Saturday, 22 September 2012

Take 2 on right hand grip

Having pointed out the dangers of the strong palm grip in the right (lower) hand it didn't take me more than two holes yesterday to revert to that same grip.

For some reason I now feel comfortable with it, perhaps because it takes the slice, but not the occasional fade, out of the picture. The reason I'm wary of it is, as stated before, because of the potential to hit hooks and pull hooks.

The necessity to hit through the ball with no rolling of the wrists and only a little release is one of things that need to be mastered to minimise the dangers of the grip. If I manage to do that, I end up with a straight and penetrating flight that gives me twenty metres over my former fade with a driver and maybe ten or so with 3 and 5 wood.

While I had previously looked at Zac Johnson and thought what a whacky swing (Whacky Zacky) being my nickname for him, I now realise he was doing just what I need to do - hold the wrists relatively stiffly and swing out and through with plenty of body turn through the ball.

Speaking of stiff wrists, it took me about 16 holes yesterday to realise how to hit a mid iron. A bit of an overstatement perhaps, but in fact the feeling of hitting a good iron shot is sort of an extension of the above.

The image or feeling that you need to go with is of retaining the triangle - left arm, right arm and club. It is all about not releasing the right (lower) wrist early in the always disastrous attempt to lift the ball. The release will occur by itself, you just have to swing with the triangle in place. It makes for far more consistent contact and consequently better distance control (and distance itself because of the late release and speed that generates).

By the way, hold the triangle, which I've actually read about in a couple of places, but not taken in and used, does apply to all clubs from putter to driver. But it is most important with the short and mid irons where good contact is critical.

Anyway, it's back to the palm grip and hold the triangle for my next game. Let's see what  happens.


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