Down to my lowest hcp ever. Puts on extra pressure to play seriously, but satisfying nonetheless.
Hitting the ball fairly consistently, with the odd snaffoo, but that's golf.
Had 33 putts yesterday, which is probably about as well as I can do at the moment. My plan of allowing myself two short putt misses per round without getting upset is working fine so far. Missed only one yesterday and compensated with a couple of good ten footers.
Still not happy with my chipping - need to work something out there. Also, the odd tendency to hit a fat pitch or two. This could relate to my return to a ten finger grip, which I'm sticking with since I seem to be releasing the club perfectly well with it - none of the right hand taking over that the textbooks trumpet about (sorry Harry V).
Anyway, it's a bit scary because I can no longer be satisfied with bogey golf. I have to make my share of pars with the odd birdie or I'm not in the race. As I said - scary for a once hacker.