Sunday, 11 September 2016

Who could ask for anything more

I'll briefly return to the subject of swaying. This is mainly because, although I've abandoned the idea of pre-setting my weight on the inside of my back foot, I still consider NOT swaying to be a critical aspect of the golf swing.

When I was pre-setting my weight in this way, I found I was not focusing sufficiently on another key element of the golf swing - rhythm. Somehow this thought was tightening me up so that I lost rhythm, at least I lost any rhythm that I had, which is not all that much.

Part of my new 'no thinking' approach is to work on what a few teachers consider to be the number one ingredient of a good golf swing. Tempo is a different thing - namely the speed of one's swing - whereas rhythm is closely aligned to the sequencing of the swing, from the ground up to be specific.

I have started working on rhythm because I agree that it is absolutely crucial to good ball striking. A jerky swing is not a good recipe for consistency. My tempo is probably medium, neither particularly slow nor particularly fast, so I'm not worried about that. But rhythm is definitely something I should work on.

Having said all that, I do think not swaying is very important. And I notice when watching good players that almost all of them rotate their rear hip behind them on the backswing with no perceptible lateral motion, that is, with no sway at all. This is, I believe, contrary to the backswings of many social golfers including, at times, me.

So, I do need to make sure I am not swaying (and therefore able to get back onto the front foot) and at the same time find and feel a good rhythm. If I can get rhythm, who could ask for anything more?


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