Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Hybrid golf

 What I mean by hybrid golf in this instance is combining the aforementioned 'connection' concepts with my new-found realisation that I need some more 'body-friendly' senior elements in my golf swing.

This means I will continue to use a tight to the chest lead-arm (connected) feel in my swing, mainly because it engages the core, including the shoulders, in my swing and also gives me a feeling of greater control. However, because I lack flexibility in my hips and back, I need to incorporate some 'senior' techniques to give me a little more distance with a little less effort, and somewhat less strain on my ageing body.

The senior tweaks are simply closing the stance quite a bit (back foot back 4 to 6 inches depending on the club) together with slightly more angling out of the back foot (perhaps 30 or 40 degrees). The helps lengthen the backswing somewhat and also helps create a nice in to out swing path. The other optional senior move that I'm considering is lifting the front heel slightly on the backswing, particularly with driver, but I'm yet to feel comfortable with that.

I don't intend to do more than this, for example, I'm not going to try to swing more vertically, which just doesn't feel right for me.

What I do need to do is work on my short game - which has been dreadful - including my putting. I think I have set records for three-putts. Maybe I should be putting with a hybrid? It's a funny game.


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