Sunday, 1 May 2022

The lowdown on low and down

I recently looked closely at Stack and Tilt, and issues relating to finding the low point of the swing and the implications of low point for consistency in the golf swing. I'm getting closer to finding a method for the full swing (primarily) that will work well for me - and probably for many other golfers.

The evidence is very strong that consistently achieving a low point in the swing (for all clubs, but especially when playing off the ground) is key for overall consistency in the golf swing. You only need to examine the divots (or slow-mo vision) of top tour players to see where their club hits the ground - in front of the ball - to know that this is how good, consistent contact, with compression and clubface control, is made. Poor players hit behind or hit up on the ball off the ground (fairway), often to a varying degree, and the precision and power of their shot-making suffers as a result. 

Off the tee, and to some degree with fairway woods and hybrids, a poorer player can get away with a swing low point that is inconsistent. That is not the case with mid and short irons, and explains in particular why long irons have ceased to have a place in the bags of all but the very best ball strikers.

Enough generalities - I am working on a method to make me a better ball striker - that is, to re-locate my swing low point in front of the ball. It revolves, ironically enough, around staying centred, avoiding swaying back and inevitably failing to get my weight and swing bottom forward at impact. 

I should clarify this and say that this relates particularly to my irons and hybrids, because off the tee and with 3-wood I do play the ball forward in my stance to level out my club path on the down-swing and through impact. Of course a slight downward path is still needed with 3 wood to avoid topping and promote some spin and lift.

I should also say I don't feel comfortable with many of the S & T concepts of tilt; probably because these moves are too athletic for me, assuming that I have actually understood tilt. But the idea of stack does very much relate to setting up centred and therefore my main goal of allowing me to get my weight forward through impact and getting my low point where I want it.

That's the lowdown on my low down. So far it's working well.


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