Thursday, 6 April 2023

Tangled web

I've now been round the mulberry bush enough times to know that I have been barking up the wrong trees too often and mixing my metaphors so often that I've got myself into a tangled web.

Having realised this, I've gone back to the swing I had 25 years ago that fundamentally relied on rhythm and timing to get the ball away. I simply haven't been able to find a better swing or swing method. 

My lack of upper body flexibility (and advancing age) mean that I can't turn massively and create a long, powerful swing. I need to work with a shorter, more compact swing. However, this doesn't mean I can't build into that some good rhythm and timing - and good sequencing.

I've found that my years of playing the game mean that barring some irregularity of lie (ball deep in rough, or on a severe slope, in a divot, whatever) I can pretty well guarantee some OK sort of strike without resorting to any extreme or technical swing measures - and this includes my old hobby-horse 'connection' - I'm embarrassed to say.

As for weight transfer, straight arm, finish position, rotation. extension, etc. etc. I think these things have to exist as effects of the swing, rather than causal factors. Maybe thinking of the swing as like the simple act of throwing a ball can help, but other efforts to 'think swing', are probably counter-productive.

I said this 15 years ago, but I have to repeat that set up and posture are very important. For example, I cured a slice simply by setting up square to closed (shoulders not feet) with a sound grip. Combine this with an unhurried, rhythmic swing and there's a good chance the shot will be passable at worst.

Where shots are saved and scores made is, of course, the short game. This has been a problem for me in recent years, mainly because I've lost some confidence courtesy of some sh**nks and 3-putts. My short game is now starting to come back, but it's been a battle. I'm hoping my simplified swing thoughts will allow me to concentrate more on scoring. I want to get my handicap down again.

Golf swing can be a tangled web. I've been trapped in it for eons; time for me to escape.


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