Feedback on two grips
I'm persisting with the split-hand putting grip. My lag putting has improved for distance with little impact on accuracy, including club face contact consistency. Green reading has been more of an issue lately, not to mention winter green quality. All in all, I really like the feel of just using my right hand to control the putter, it feels natural, like throwing a stone or ball (as mentioned previously).
Short putts are another realm, of course, and here there are still some issues. However, the issues are not really related to grip, but are more to do with confidence. I'm making some ground in this area, concentrating on keeping the putter low and trying to take attention away from the result of the putt. This is far from fully effective, but still there is a slight improvement. Getting the ball closer to the hole in the first place is also a step in the right direction.
Speaking of grips, however, I have gone back to a ten finger grip for iron and wood shots for the time being. It's not that I couldn't play with the Vardon overlap, but I somehow feel that my now natural draw is more consistent with my right hand low and separated. The ten finger (not baseball grip - that's with thumbs wrapped around the shaft) is also effectively the equivalent of gripping down an inch or so more than when using a Vardon or interlocking grip. Gripping down is not a bad thing for control, though it possibly costs five or so yards in distance - no big deal if the gains in accuracy are realised.
My focus in my last game was actually on rhythm, not on technicalities. I had been watching the seniors play in the Brit seniors open and noticed how rhythmic most of the players were. I think good rhythm makes up for some technical flaws, the only problem being that it's not the easiest thing to acquire. I recently read about 'make your driver swing the same as your pitching swing', but of course if you've got poor pitching rhythm, this will not help. Nevertheless, there is a lot to be said for not forcing any shot - my 70% rule. Nothing good comes from forcing any shot.
So, grip it and rip it, should really be 'grip it and smooth it'.
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