Short-term memory
Clearly, I'm suffering from some sort of short-term golfing memory loss. In April this year I wrote about connection, though not for the first time, but in May and June I went off on my usual tangent looking for some other way to swing a golf club.
The reality is I was starting to play some pretty reasonable golf late last year, making sure my left (lead) arm was connected (closely adjacent) to the left side of my chest during the backswing and at the start of my downswing. So why did I forget this swing enhancing move and start fiddling with other methods, resorting yet again to all sorts of tips and techniques?
It seems that my dissatisfaction with my scores early in the year (which were largely attributable to poor chipping and putting) led me down this (garden) path again. In the past couple of months I have simply forgotten to connect my swing. I'm not entirely sure what I've been doing - other than play appallingly - but I certainly have not had connection in my mind.
I have another chance tomorrow to get back on the connection track and I will be most interested to see how it goes. Ironically, I've been using a form of connection (this time with tucked elbows) for my short putts, with some good results. So if I can regain some control and consistency in my long game, I might actually put together a tolerably good score.
I'm not sure if my short-term memory is actually to blame for my poor form, but forgetting about connection was, I believe, a big mistake. Golf is such a fickle game that memory failure does not help one bit.