Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Mulberry Bush time

Here we go round, etc. because in my last round I tried to swing and putt more conventionally and realised that I actually like the less conventional swing and putting methods I had been trialling.

Connection is still a concept that I endorse, combined with an athletic set up, good posture, grip, etc. However, for some peculiar reason I've found that my best ball striking happens when I focus on wrist hinge or set, that is, maximising wrist cock at the completion of the backswing.

Not only does a full wrist hinge help to generate good clubhead speed, for any length of backswing, but it seems to provide the tiny pause that aids timing (reduces rushing) during the transition.

My backswing is very short, but with a full wrist hinge I seem to hit the ball as far, if not further, than I do with a more 'effort-full' longer backswing. I am not overly flexible, so this kind of short, punchy swing suits me well.

By the way, I've also found that gripping down on my driver contributes significantly (all or nearly all fairways hit) to my accuracy, with perhaps a 20 yard loss in distance. The loss of distance is compensated for by the fact that I am nearly always playing from the fairway - no chip outs or other shots.

In relation to my short game, I saw a clip recently where a pro talked about the two types of wrist hinge (upward for the full swing versus a backward slapping motion). He pointed out that when chipping you want to use only one type of wrist hinge, a simple back and forward, slapping wrist movement. This looks like 'picking up' the club, contrary to some views about neutral wrists, but it is just that there is no upward wrist hinge or any other rolling or rotational movement. This simplifies the movement, helps with good crisp contact (so critical in the short game). I'm giving this method a good trial.

Finally, regarding putting, I quickly realised last round that I do feel comfortable with a split-hand putting grip. Using my right (dominant) hand to control distance on long putts and my 'legally' braced left hand and arm on short putts works well for me. I might not be holing too many mid to long putts, but I'm getting close and cutting out the dreaded three-putts. I don't want to go around that particular mulberry bush again.


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