Wednesday, 11 April 2018

In the way

Hitting the ball by 'letting it get in the way' is definitely good advice. However, changing the target from ball to flag or green, etc., as previously discussed, has some dangers, as follows.

It is essential to stay down on the ball, that is, not lift up when the club is in the impact zone. This doesn't mean we should become extremely ball focused, with the clubhead aimed at the ball. The imperative is still to hit 'through' not 'at' the ball.

It's also possible, even likely, that focusing on a distant target will be just as distracting as ball focus, and detract from the essential focus on rhythm. From personal experience, I've found that focusing on rhythm, including a smooth transition, is far more effective than any other swing thoughts. In general, swing thoughts that even remotely resemble technique or mechanical thoughts can be dangerous.

The other issue of swing bottom has similar issues. Trying to artificially change the swing arc (swing bottom) other than via a rhythmic, athletic move does not help with ball contact. Moving the arc forward can lead to swaying, dipping, moving in ways that are jerky, uncoordinated, un-athletic.

That's not to say that the theory is wrong - the ball does have to be struck first, the ground second, for high quality ball striking. The key is to do it the right way - with the athletic, rhythmic swing mentioned above. There's no quick or artificial way (via a swing thought or otherwise) to achieve this. Knowing what a good swing looks like might help, but it comes down in large part to natural ability, combined with plenty of practice.

That's in, don't let swing thoughts get in the way - just the ball.


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