Do not read - insane golfer
Well, you can read the blog of 12 February 2022 because that is really the lesson I, and probably many others, need to learn in order to play decent golf.
That blog was about 'connection theory' and I don't need to repeat any of it except to note that the 'theory', which was once a 'hypothesis' (ie. untested and unproven), really does work.
I should clarify this to say that connection between the upper LEAD arm (triceps) and chest works to tighten the swing, improve sequencing and efficiency, but connecting the upper TRAIL arm and chest does not. Trail arm to chest connection is simply too restrictive and actually increases the chances of thin and topped shots.
I realise that connection does not guarantee the very important low-point control in the swing, as mentioned in recent blog posts, but it does help keep with consistency in the swing arc, which is obviously very important for finding a consistent low-point.
It is not all that easy to accept that one's swing will be quite a bit shorter, feels tighter and less powerful - until the improved sequencing, use of the big body muscles and better clubface contact starts to compensate for the apparent loss of potential speed and distance. However, patience will be its own reward - to use that lovely cliche.
This brings me to 'do not read - insane golfer'. I don't take my own advice. I tinker and experiment, constantly searching for the 'holy grail' - consistency - not to mention things like more length off the tee. But the answer is already in my own blog, something I forget, remember, forget, remember and forget again. Surely this is a definition of insanity not unlike the repeat / expect a different result definition?
Postscript: possibly there is a further mental issue I need to address. I've finally realised that putting with the hands united (with a grip like Jason Day's for example) is a much better idea than separated hands - my usual grip. Uniting the hands encourages the use of the shoulders, helps minimise wrist flick and generally feels great. I won't say how many years it's taken me to realise this; just lock me up and throw away the key.