Sunday, 17 June 2018


What goes around comes around. Forgetting is one of my weaknesses, although sometimes it can be a strength. But forgetting to connect, which I'll clarify, has been a definite mistake and has led to some inconsistent ball striking over the past year.

Firstly, the connection I refer to is in the left shoulder area (for right-handers). This includes the shoulder joint itself and also the upper arm and chest. This is the 'unit' that Jimmy Ballard, author of 'How to perfect your golf swing' says should be in control in the golf swing. He also makes some important points about other areas of connection, bracing, grip, etc., etc. But for me this shoulder connection principle is the most crucial.

Connection is both a feeling and the reality of the left upper arm remaining close to the upper chest in the backswing and all the way through the hitting zone until the ball has gone and the club has been fully released in the follow through. The advantage of it is several-fold. One is retention of a consistent arc, shoulder to ground. There is no need to steer the club or focus hard on the ball - it's just back and through. Another advantage, perhaps the most important, is that with connection you are using the big muscles of the chest (amongst other muscles) to power the ball. The shortening of the swing that will occur for the less flexible player is compensated for by this connected muscle use.

The other benefits are less tangible, things like the simplification of the swing, but these often translate to more centre clubface strikes, better distance control and, as a result, more confidence.

I can't quite understand why I ever stopped thinking about and using connection, but I'm glad I've re-connected. Updates will follow.


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